So I have been using this web based organizing task site for some time now, it was called Wunderlist. And they just administered a complete overhaul which now goes by the name Wunderkit. I must say if you are the type of person that needs to see everything you need to get done and check it off as it is complete than I suggest you take a look at this site.
This "kit" allows you to post all your life projects and organize them by projects. You you can have a personal list of tasks to do. All the while you can have another list or what they call "Activity" which can be "School Work" or whatever you want it to be called. With each activity you can open it up and make it social with your friends and family. That way if you were planning a trip with a group of friends you can create a "Trip" activity and have all your friends add tasks and what not to the activity. Pretty cool.
Now I realized I butchered this explanation so just watch the video and it will do all the explaining for you. Check Wunderkit out by clicking here. Now get started and get your friends involved with it.
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